Bike Ride Through the Villages 2
April 17th 2011
Buddy takes a Dew break |
There isn't much elevation to contend with so the ride was more recreation than workout despite the length. We saw quite a few people enjoying the trails not to mention a couple of gentlemen both older and in better shape than us. They obviously rode the trails regularly since their calves were the size of my head. They blew by us on their streetbikes which made our mountain bikes seem clunky and slow.We also passed a nice couple where the woman was in a wheelchair and the man was running pushing her along. They were out enjoying the beautiful weather together and were the definition of the commitment that comes with "in sickness and in health". We both found it very inspiring. We rode through both squares and although I was tempted to stop for a Starbucks we kept riding. Maybe starbucks and Barnes and Noble will be a scheduled pit stop on some other themed ride where we bring other friends. If you are thinking of riding through the villages,I highly reccomend it. It is a pleasent experience with plenty to see.